Friday, November 20, 2009

Why do we do things which we know that we'll regret later?

Innately, we know what we do is harmful, and that it'll hurt, but somehow, we cant resist the temptation, and after the deed is done, it feels like someone just stabbed you in the heart.
You are then left bleed and to ponder upon your actions and everything that happened.

Have a little faith, he said. Well i will. Only because i think its worth it.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i wish i knew exactly what i'm doing. Everything feels very out of control right now. I need to spend one day roaming the streets by myself. The shit never stops snowballing. Awesome.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Dear Francis,

Comments on other's looks are not welcome, especially from you. You who is fat, ugly and have to wear reflectors just so others can see you at night do not have a RIGHT to comment on someone prettier than you.

Maybe you're just annoyed that you werent born a girl, but then again, that can be rectified in thailand.

So do us all a favour, shut up, work more then maybe you can achieve your lifelong dream.


Friday, April 04, 2008

Its awfully stressful and yet some people are being total assholes. Its amazing how people fault you for something you dont mean. How tantrums are thrown just because there is a misunderstanding. If the bond between two people is that thin, there might as well not be anything at all.

Fuck you.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Price list states the prices of cake. Slice and whole. A really "smart" asshole came by and asked if we sold the cakes by kilograms AFTER i passed her the price list and told her that the prices are all stated inside. That has to be one of stupidest thing I have ever heard.

I have been nothing but polite. I could have told you we dont sell fruits, we sell cakes. I could have made you look like a complete fool in front of your friend, but i chose to be polite. So if you wanna complain, go right ahead you fat bitch. Rot in hell. You're halfway there anyway.

Not that i have anything against fat people, but they are usually obnoxious for some strange reason. I'm not talking about people who THINK they are fat. I'm talking about people who ARE fat.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Customer:(happily) Yea i thought so.


Were you hoping for a prize for being a really clever girl? Or are you that deprived of praise. Were you expecting my manager to go, "Clever girl! Here... have the cake for free! Thanks for thinking for me. Can I have your phone number?"

Sometimes, a simple "Oh. Alright." Is enough. Too much, is just plain old bullshit. It just pisses people off.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I love the rich. I find them endlessly amusing. Two days ago, whilst i was sitting in the doctor's clinic flipping through a magazine, I chanced upon this article which talked about the wonderful home of a really affluent family. About how much the whole family love nature and everything about it. I mean, its wonderful and all if people love nature, that would mean that they would want to preserve it, however, those "nature loving" assholes were also pretty damn proud of the fact that they carved a table out of a tree. Oh yeah. Nature loving indeed.

Everything is bullshit. Fuck your good intentions. Fuck your charity balls. If you assholes were really that noble, you would be doing the donating instead of trying to get people to donate. The amount of money some of these assholes spend on a fucking useless bag is enough to feed a third world country.