Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hur hur hur....Everytime i read someone's blog, i dont know whether to laugh, or to stuff all the shit she feeds people with down her throat.

I shan't quote because little people have a way of making people symphatize with em, which makes us not-so-little people big ass bitches. Sad ainnit.

Well class has been relatively peaceful besides having the No brainers asking stupid questions like,"So you mean we can choose the amount of blame?"
I almost spewed the tea i was drinking. I mean, i dont exactly listen in class, but i do have enough brains and sense to know that you cant CHOOSE the amount of blame put onto you, it is apportioned to you... dumbass. Did you think your father owned the world you talentless idiot?


Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fuckers day

Sunday is the day when fuckers come out to play.

I know i bitch alot, but seriously, yesterday was horrid.

Whats the hype about serving "outsiders" anyway. Sure, they may tip well sometimes, (ONLY sometimes) but in fact, they are total shitheads like everyone else here.

I'm this pissed because stupid tummy tyre bitch snapped at me yesterday. I was taking her friend's order when she cut in and said sarcastically that she was talking to me. Asshole.

WHY WHY WHY?! We close at 10.30pm, and people start flocking in at 9.50pm to order oven baked food...... Everyone working there are students and it helps if you all dont come in and stay till 11 pm.

Arrgh. I think i'm suffering from mid life crisis. Everything is routine and i'm constantly depressed. ahahaha.

and now i'm going crazy.

Hey guys. I know i may seem may seem cold and distant sometims,and i'm not making any excuses, but sometimes its a little bit difficult to smile and laugh about stupid things when you're seriously depressed.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

How did everything turn out like this?

Then again, i never liked people who dwell too much on the little things. Those who like to ACT cute. Those who claim to like a certain form of music but, actually only listen to a single band who, unfortunately, is not classed under that certain genre.

I Love Music, and i hate Poseurs.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Me: Hi! Table for how many?
Customer: *Nods*
Me: I'm sorry...How many?
Customer: *wiggles two fingers*

What the hell? Since when was a nod a number?

Monday, November 14, 2005

I wonder.

How is it some women like to leave their oil soaked facial blotters around?

Do they seriously feel the need to let everyone know that the craters on their faces actually hold 20 gallons of oil?

Its fucking disgusting to have to look at it, and even more so to have to pick it up, and being a server, i encounter plenty of oily people who absolutely love showing everybody their amazing ability to secrete oil.

On the flip side, these are the people i want to be with, when i run out of fuel.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


When you see,"Server's name:_________________" What would you write?

a)Your own name
b)Server's name

If you answered either a or c or both, years of education have been wasted on you and you should spontaneously combust to save everybody some money and the trouble of cleaning up your mess.

So today, this bunch of teenagers came in and wrote,
"Server's nameWe sorta seated ourselves

Like huh?! Hello...We were all busy and the sign outside clearly states "please wait to be seated". Dont blame us if you all dont have patience. Stupid bitch.

Here is another piece of mind bending trivia for you.

What time is lunch?

c)From 6 onwards

Its not so difficult is it?

I saw a classic example of a spoilt brat with extremely stupid parents today. On one hand it was pretty funny, but on the other it kinda makes you wonder how come such people actually exist. Just because you dont get a free meal you cry, throw tantrums and shout at the servers?

On the coupon it says, 1 for 1 set LUNCH and you come into the cafe at 6pm demanding lunch?

Why is it so difficlut for them to process one simple word? True, its not written expressly upon the coupons that our lunch period is from so and so to so and so time, but it is common knowledge that lunch end at 4-5pm.

No wonder she grew up to be fat, ugly and stupid.

Friday, November 04, 2005


I absolutely hate girls who cannot speak for themselves. It is annoying and a fucking waste of time especially during peak hours. What the hell are they trying to prove?

If someone looks at you and asks you a question, just open your mouth and reply. Is it that difficult to do so? Or do u just want to act the demure little piece of shit?


"I will try my best to write in simplest english."

My my my....what an inflated ego you have.

Big Tits + Small frame=no brains

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Its the second day of school, and the war has begun.

Let it be. I havent done this in a loooong time but ohhh myyy....i'm sooo gonna enjoy this. *Huge grin*

Its finally out in the open! Final-bloody-ly... took everybody long enough. You say you can play? Oh pray.. do go ahead. I'd like to see how you all fare.