Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Sunday, January 22, 2006


Here is another ass entry on how singaporeans can be total blind fuck heads. Pardon me. I'm in no particular mood to mince my words.


Comments left by total idiots are seriously not appreciated. Really. Why is it, when you're nice to people, they repay you with etremely shitty comments which can possibly affect the servers there?

For eample, we received a comment that day saying "The servers here are friendly but NOT attentive, and whenever i come here, the service always sucks. Should look towards *another restaurant* for service.

First of all, TRY for goodness sake...TRY to use your eyes to see that the other restaurant has VERY little people and our place had a queue! What the hell do u mean by we should look over there for better service?! Its not as if you didnt get what you want bitch. In fact, You got everything and VERY good service. Your water never ran out. Your every wish was seen to.

None of us were frowning despite the shitty people who turned up that day. I hate stupid customers.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well.. classroom relations have deteriorated to the point where we feel like slapping some idiots and letting them know how stupid they are.


My friend's defination of a blog is:

A little personal space to vent her frustrations upon, to make known to people close to her how she feels. I find it pretty amazing that, my darling friend havent blogged for abt half a year, and when suddenly she does, hate tags immediately appear. These people seriously have no life.

Anyway, a few days ago, after school, we had two of them and one seriously extra little shit corner liza outside class to ask her about things she wrote on her blog. I dont know what the bloody fuck they are so riled up about, but its surprising that they are so concerned with what goes on in liza's world.

The little spat sounded something like this:

A: *speaking in malay*
L: What do you mean? I dont undersatnd you.
The extra piece of shit: Dont act blur lah! How can you write about people's parents like that?

(Me looking at saliha feeling extremely surprised as we didnt even know she wrote anything)

*The rest is rubbish until...*

The extra piece of shit: How can you do this?
Me: Look...Enough... This doesnt concern you. This is between the both of them.
The extra piece of shit: She is my friend what, i am standing up for her..cannot izzit?!
Me: Liza is my friend also, and thus far i've been quiet until you opened your mouth too many times.
The extra piece of shit: This is none of your business! I'll do what i like!
A: *cuts in* ok ok dont point fingers.

(The extra piece of shit then proceeds to stare at me with her ugly beady eyes. I wonder... How does she open her eyes wide enough to insert the horrendous coloured contacts she was wearing, or do they seriously make contacts in extra small? I was trying so damn hard to control my laughter coz it was the first time i saw her pock marked flat face up close and personal.)

After she tried to stare me down (and failed) we just left.

Have you all ever wondered about stupid people and why they are put on earth for? These people who like to compare intellect based on the school and course entered and not upon other knowledge.

I have, and everyday I thank god that there ARE stupid people, because without them, nobody will seem smart. Correct?